With the U.S. election machine staggering along the track, still not out of separate lanes, Beware! sent its interviewers along to get drenched in spittle and lukewarm coffee dregs.
One-To-One With Huckabee:
B!: Caucuses are not generally known for passion and enthusiasm, especially when most of your aging supporters are outside the campaign hall, queuing up for the facilities. Can this tide of effluent be ignored?
Huckster: Are you suggesting my supporters will be -
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Huckster waves goodbye to a disinterested public. |
Huckleberry: It's very simple. The prayer is an image, a visualisation, according to the old methods, the holy stand, and you bring it into being and you will be whistling, an ecstatic fervour like... 1980. As it was written on the accession, or in any of my Lord's writings.
B!: And the piddle?
Huck-huck-huck: Well that can be mopped up no trouble. This manifesto's super absorbent.
B!: "Abhorrent", shurely?
Huhby: It's not wrong to champion the sanctity of life.
B!: It is if you crow about sanctioning 16 executions in Arkansas.
Hubris: The bullet and the noose are the only things - the _only_ things! - that stand between this great nation and the last days of Sodom. Do you want anarchy? Do you?
B!: It's good to discuss these things as rational people and we can all get better educated.
Horror: Education should be for families, not for liberal "journalists" or federal fiddling. The state has no business interfering in schools. Parents should be able to keep their kids at home and teach them right from wrong and the ways of God.
B!: And what is right in this day and age?
Hulk: I tell you what's right. Israel is right. Israel is a shining light of moral clarity. If they build houses in the lands given to _Abraham_ are you going to stop them? You'll come through me first (stands up, impersonates a brick wall).
B!: (Makes excuses and leaves)
One-To-One With Clinton:
Beware! turns its political vacuum up to full, to suck the facts from Hillary Clinton. Has our vacuum not excited you before? Or do you jingle that bell idly? In this case, it's not enough, as the New York Times tells us we have another Clinton applying for the White House. So interview we must. Wonder how many bugs are in this room... Madam, what year is this?
Hillary: ...? It's good to have you this morning.
B!: Maybe soon. Let us feign independence first. (Unhooks the colours, unfurls the flags) So your opponents had, like, zero visibility, and now Bernie Sanders has had a scratch. What's it all about?
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Hillary checks out what the kids are diggin' these days. Ahh, surveillance. |
B!: Top tech! But obviously, this is not Tomorrow's World. Is this yesterday's war?
Hillary: I cannot wait idly for some fuzzy ideal of "progress". People demand government now. If that means a moratorium on progress, so be it. We have eight years to fight for.
B!: ...Four years?
Hillary: (Acid) _Four_ of those eight years, yes.
B!: Mrs Clinton, there are wild assets in your great resume; however, you're surely worried about being seen as one of the privileged few, unable to see the wood for the treehouse?
Hillary: No, I do not know this picture. I am _here_ (thumps desk) at the end of the day, and the beginning of the next, so I think people will... vote without frowns. (Cracks a smile) They know people should vote for their loved ones, this is the best type of commander as the next president. And here, in the NSA, I know that economic performance, achieved through free-market means, is the way to develop. Deals with health management, sure. Deals with big corporations, sure.
B!: Deals with Occupy?
Hillary: If they want to float themselves and do things above and beyond the books, sure. I want to reach out to every part of our glorious Wall Street. I want to build bridges between the senate and the stock exchange. I want to feel that people in all walks of life, from Harvard to Hollywood, will be alright.
B!: From... Harvard to Hollywood?
Hillary: I know, we have experienced people. A lot of people very experienced with making money and keeping money. For example, I intend to harness the innovation of drug companies to make money for their shareholders.
B!: In what ways?
Hillary: I just said - to make money for their shareholders.
B!: Oh - I thought there was a twist.
Hillary: I will focus on the economy. It is for people to get ahead, be rich and willing. I do not want to change the tax system. I do not want to change the benefit system. This whole idea of government, economy, democracy, saying this thing or that thing is a bad idea is something we need to look at.
B!: As you know, your opponent, Senator Sanders, has torn into Goldman Sachs, who contributed a not-insignificant sum to your account in return for speeches. We must ask. Because you and I evidently do not remember, do they - is this an entirely innocent $675,000?
Hillary: (Holding a finger to... a hidden earpiece?) I have said this before: Goldman Sachs have no designs on my presidency.
B!: B -
Hillary: (Waspish) You do not intervene in the running of a proud nation. You intervene in the running of lesser nations. There will be no regime change in the United States of America. Goldman Sachs know their place. I know mine. And you know yours.
B!: (Makes excuses and leaves)
Beware! attempted to One-To-One with Donald Trump:
B!: Hello Mr -
Trump: Shitface!
B!: I - I - I -
Trump: Stammering bastard! Jew-eyed slanty wop! Brown-nose asskisser!
B!: Excuse me?
Trump: Yeah I will this time, but do it again and you'll be shining boots on the sidewalk!
B!: Er...
Trump: You know what made this nation great? Intolerance. We didn't tolerate being poor. We didn't tolerate being black. We didn't tolerate being women. We stood up and did something about it.
B!: Being balding?
Trump: I say, tolerance sucks! Tolerance doesn't build you a _10 million dollar_ golf resort (fondles genital area).
B!: Tell us about your campaign.
Trump: I started with _nothing_, you hear me? Nothing!
B!: Self-made tan, ain't cha.
Trump: Nowadays, I could knife Bambi, and they'd still love me. You get that? Luurve me (leering).
B!: That's not exactly what the polls say -
Trump: What have the Poles got to do with it? Fuckstain European centralist bastards! Let them stay over in Great Scotland and they can play their own goddamn snooker games. You know what snooker is? Pool for people with no balls.
B!: There's more balls on a snooker table than a pool table.
Trump: You know what I'm gonna do when I get in that Oval Office? I'm gonna build me a wall. A big, fuck-off wall. You know what I'm gonna call it? The Wall. Yeah. Sounds good, right? And every day, I'm gonna make sure that we put another brick in that wall. We don't need no Mexi-rapists, we don't need no state control. Sing it with me (unzips and uses his cock like a guitar whammy)
B!: (makes excuses and pelts it out of there)
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