Earthlings! A three-fingered salute we do offer you, and
slightly-cooler-than-Earth's-mean-temperature thanks for checking in at
Beware! The Zine. We doubt not that you're already filled with a
thousand shades of happy at having got to know the cyber-entities Nase
and Abel, the lifestyle guru Johnny Cocktail, the comedy circuit's
uber-failures Bob and Bob (The Two Bobs), and defender of the Fenland
Times review column (and time traveller), Kennedy Hiscox-Wormegay. So,
having already made available offerings of such a sturdy nature, it is
with multitudinous pleasure that I, envoy to the Martian High Council,
do introduce a comic so lengthy... so ambitious... so UNFINISHABLE...
that it really does deserve its full-length title every time somebody
makes reference to it.
We at Beware! The Zine believe in quality.
But believing in it doesn't mean we have to employ it in each and every
one of our endeavours. And so, with that in mind, we are trying
something new. The premise is simple. We will take one page, at random,
from my 1973 Penguin copy of H. G. Wells's The War Of The Worlds, and
convert it to comic format, with minimum of fuss. One day, we may even
complete the task.
So, for your vision-based gratification, I give you page 47.
Arranged, pencilled and inked by Gareth Monger. |
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